2016 Extra-Curricular Clubs

Our 2016 Extra-Curricular Club programs commence week 2 and end the second last week of each term. All club fees will be invoiced. For all terms and conditions, please talk to Mrs Nilay Isdar-Karamemis at the Main Office.

We love to jump and
jiggle around

Guess what we are making?

The girls making their
minion bookmarks!

Look what we made!

Health Section at Sirius College

Points from the School Counsellor


After spending summer with family, the transition back to school can feel like you're starting all over, even if your child isn't new to the back to school routine.

Try some of these tips to ease the back to school anxiety and fear:

Check your feelings at the door. If you are really nervous or scared to drop your child off at school, your child will feel it too. Find time to express your feelings separately.

Make your goodbyes quick. Long and repeated goodbye rituals can prolong your child's fear about you leaving them at school. A hug, kiss, and "have a good day" are all your child needs to start their day.

Be careful about saying "I'll miss you." While this sounds loving, it may cause your child to feel worried about you, instead of focusing on their school day. You might say "I can't wait to hear about your day later" or "I'll see you at dinner time" instead.

Write your child an encouraging note. Packing a short note in your child's lunchbox or backpack can give them something to look forward to.

Avoid walking your child into the classroom after the first week. There will be opportunities for you to come into their classroom, but your child needs to know they can do it on their own.

Ms Eda Akin
School Counsellor